There are many Goddess Archtypes. Each with thier own attributes. We will be working with seven different Goddess energies during this course.
In this program you will learn how each one relates to you and to the 7 aspects of self and how they align with our 7 main energy centres, which affect our overall health and well-being... mind, body and spirit.
It's time to realign with the energy of the Divine Goddess and reconnect with your Divine Power.
Let's meet the Goddess Archetypes we will be working with...
1. The Strength of Goddess: Kali - “Embrace Change”
“Endings and Beginnings” The old must be released, so that the new can enter. Life is about change, enjoy the dance. Do not fear what appears to be change or loss, for change brings new life.
2. The Goddess of Love: Aphrodite - “Discover the Divine”
Awaken your true femininity through dance, nurturing and self appreciation. Be aware of your sensual nature, your creative essence.
3. The Goddess Maeve - “Increase Your Personal Power”
“Love yourself enough to say “no” to the demands of others”
Respect your own boundaries and others will respect you for them as well. Set focus on your desires and stand true to them.
4. The Compassion of the Goddess Kwan Yin - “Embody Love”
Release judgment about yourself and others. Focus on the light and love that is within everyone. Harshness begets harshness, instead, give back pure love.
5. Connect with Goddess Brigit -“Speak Your Truth”
Stand up for what you believe is right. Be clear about what you want with those around you. Don’t worry about what others will think of you. Ask for clarity, guidance and courage to allow your voice to be heard.
6. The Warrior Goddess: Athena - “Trust Your Choices”
It is time to trust your instincts. Trust your inner voice. Quiet your mind and allow the universe to provide you with the answers. Surrender to your inner wisdom.
7. Bountiful Goddess Eirleen - “True Peace”
Relax into the divine and allow your worries to be lifted from you. Showing your gratitude raises your energy and attracts others to you who are also aligned with those higher energies.