Resources to help and guide you...

  • to find your Balance Point (even when it is constantly changing)
  • to access your deepest and most compelling aspects of self (and feel safe there) 
  • to feel grounded and supported on your journey
  • to gain the skills and learn the techniques that will allow you to regain your strength and step into your power
  • to create a wellness focused symbiotic relationship with others ... including your pets

Are you Ready to Live a Life Aligned with the Passion in your Heart and the Wisdom of your Soul?

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Your WE Wellness Guide

  • Arlana Tanner - Sibelle

    Arlana Tanner - Sibelle

    Arlana is an artist, intuitive, speaker, personal development coach and holistic practitioner. She has facilitated numerous personal and spiritual development workshops, and is the creator of several in-person and online programs. Empowering people to step into their fullness of being is her passion. She has received certificates of completion in Advanced Pranic Healing, as well as Pranic Psychotherapy, Thought Field Therapy, Astrology and Parapsychology. Her recent studies have expanded to Animal Communication and Animal Wellness Therapies. Arlana is a lifetime member of the Association of Holistic Practitioners and is the founder of the online holistic Business Directory;

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